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leXsolar-PV Professional

Item number: 1118
Nowadays, a comprehensive understanding of photovoltaics is necessary for a variety of professions in the fields of renewable energies. For the relevant studies and courses of education, leXsolar-PV …
EUR -1.00

leXsolar-PV Ready-to-go

Item number: 1105
The name says it all: this fully equipped experiment system can be used wherever you are without further components. This kit already includes all necessary ancillary equipment, like measuring …
EUR -1.00

leXsolar-PV Large

Item number: 1103
Correlating school physics with practical usage of the photovoltaic cells is a specialty of this system. These unique didactic innovations are the premier choice when it comes to experiments related …
EUR -1.00

leXsolar-Academy Course PV-Basics

Item number: 7051
EUR -1.00

leXsolar-Academy Course PV-Academics

Item number: 7052
leXsolar-Academy Standard course PV - Academic Duration: 5 days Training Objectives and Benefits: The objective of this course is to give the participants a comprehensive and deep insight into …
EUR -1.00

leXsolar-Academy Course PV-Technical

Item number: 7053
leXsolar-Academy Standard course PV - Technical Duration: 4 days Included modules: Module PV 5: Solar modules Module PV 6: PV-Applications: Loads and batteries Module PV 7: PV-Applications: Regulators …
EUR -1.00

leXsolar-PV Basic

Item number: 1130
What is a solar cell and what is a solar panel? What can be powered with a solar cell? How should you align the solar cell to the sun? These questions and many more can be answered using leXsolar-PV …
EUR -1.00

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