leXsolar-Academy Course PV-Academics

Item number: 7052


leXsolar-Academy Standard course PV - Academic

Duration: 5 days

Training Objectives and Benefits:
The objective of this course is to give the participants a comprehensive and deep insight into fundamentals and applications of photovoltaic technology on an academic level. The course lays the foundation for a broad variety of jobs in the field of photovoltaics. Hence, the participants are prepared to work in research and development as well as engineering jobs like Design and dimensioning of PV systems. The course also qualifies for jobs in technical sales and distribution.

Required previous knowledge:
The participants should have fundamental knowledge in electro-technics and physics, especially solid-state and semiconductor physics. They should at least have heard fundamental lectures of electro-technics and physics of a technical bachelor study program. Participants with only A-levels graduation should prove superior results in physics.
The needed electro-technical basics can also be gained with leXsolar-Academy Module CM3.

Included Training Modules:
- Recommended optional Modules:
Module CM 1: Renewable Energies: A general Overview
Module CM 2: Renewable Energies: Current status, facts and figures
- Recommended optional Module for participants without electro-technical basic knowledge:
Module CM3: Electro-technical basics

Included modules:
Module PV 2: Physics of Photovoltaics: Fundamentals
Module PV 3: Physics of Photovoltaics: Properties of solar cells and measuring solar cells
Module PV 5: Solar modules
Module PV 6: PV-Applications: Loads and batteries
Module PV 7: PV-Applications: Regulators and Inverters for PV systems
Module PV 8: PV-Systems: off-grid systems
Module PV 9: PV-Systems: Grid-connected systems
Module PV 10: Production process of solar cells and modules
Module PV 13: PV world market: business models, feed-in tariffs, statistics

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